About the author

content_img_1Robert and Paula reside in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas where they are creating the best place to live! Gardening and growing their own food is a very important part of their lives. Being recent transplants to the area has them very busy learning about the sub-tropical environment along with the plants and trees that will thrive therein.

Robert is a retired bio-medical designer, holding three patents. Paula is a retired child development professional, who continues to work as a nanny.

The last few years have been very difficult for everyone due to the pandemic. The innocent children of the world have been one of the most adversely affected groups in our opinion. We wrote this story about a silly little Aardvark and his search to find the best place to live in the hopes that it will bring joy into children’s lives, while they are learning about different home environments of the earth’s wildlife. We want to invest into the little ones and help them to discover why their home is the best place to live, and who it is that makes it so special.

We will continue creating fun, educational, and value based adventures for families to enjoy with Albert and with each other.

Look out for our next Albert Aardvark adventure:

“Albert Aardvark Takes a Cruise”